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An Introduction to Stand Up Paddleboarding

Maybe you have heard about Stand Up Paddleboarding from a friend that has fallen in love with the sport, or just saw someone coasting along near the beach or down a river and wanted to investigate it for yourself.

While this is a quickly growing sport which has a popularity that is rapidly spreading to new groups of enthusiasts, this method of transportation actually has a rich history that comes from the Hawaiian Islands. As recently as the 1960’s, it began to transition into the recreational pastime and competitive opportunity that it has begun to bloom into these days.Stand Up Paddleboard Flat Light

At first glance the actual stand up paddleboard (often referred to as a SUP) itself may just appear like any other surfboard. However, to the initiated it is a unique asset that allows a person with nearly any body type or athletic capabilities to get out on the water and travel further than other boarding methods that are available today. No matter if you have children or have left behind your best years as an athlete, this is something that virtually anyone can do and will truly enjoy.

It can be a relaxing day with friends or a challenging personal workout. That is one of the wonderful aspects of stand up paddle boarding, the flexibility and options. Maybe you like to get out on the water alone? Perhaps you want to find something that the entire family can handle? Stand up paddleboards can be that sporting device that meets a variety of needs.

The sport is expanding into new territory quickly and if you live near a body of water the chances are increasing steadily that you will see some folks out there making a go of it on their stand up paddleboards. No matter if you are near fresh water reserves such as inland lakes and rivers or a salty body of water such as the ocean, SUP’s are ready to get you cruising on flat-water or riding waves.

Starting out is easy, and if you would like some help, seek out an instructor that can get you vertical and smiling while you ride the current below you.

Stick around our site and look for more educational posts to come about this excellent sport, as well as continuous features on new boards and technologies.

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SupBoardGuide Editorial Team

At we are a team who love the water, the outdoors, and are more than grateful that our full-time job allows us to review stand up paddle boards. We paddle year round (it helps that we are just about 2 hours outside of Las Vegas), and we bring in a wide range of paddlers with the goal of providing our readers with the best, most in-depth, and accurate stand up paddle board reviews.

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